When you purchase your first Harley motorbike, you automatically receive a complimentary one year membership in H.O.G.® International. The Amman Harley-Davidson dealership will provide you with your H.O.G.® number which you will use to register and later renew your membership.
By joining H.O.G.® Kingdom of Jordan Chapter, you’ll be connecting with fellow Harley-Davidson enthusiasts in Jordan, around our region and beyond. Moreover you will enjoy all the entailing benefits that the Chapter has to offer.
Joining is easy! Simply complete the Membership Form, and e-mail it to our Membership Officer or leave at the Amman Harley-Davidson
Members are required to meet the guidelines found in the International H.O.G.® By-Laws and the local Chapter rules upholding standards of appropriate conduct.
Membership Requirements
Membership Benefits